Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day WyGeo!

Happy Earth Day to everyone! With the debate on the environment heating up again with the disagreement on science standards and their importance for the continued success of our students, it is easy to see how these issues are difficult to approach; how can we make decisions that benefit the planet while ensuring our economic viability, employment, and quality of life? We have a responsibility to the planet to do what we can to ensure that future generations get to enjoy the same wonderful planet that we have now.
But we get the feeling that our production systems and fuel choices and mega-corporations may be doing harm while giving us convenience and comfort. Maybe we don't get that feeling at all and are happy to stay in our living rooms and watch our shows. But I propose that we cannot afford to not pay attention to the signs that things are moving in the wrong direction, Earth average temperatures rising and greenhouse gasses and CO2 levels reaching and surpassing 400ppm (quick comments from real NASA scientists) and remaining there - something unprecedented since measurements began, increased acidification of oceans, and dramatic habitat and species loss. Things like this may sound important and massive on the global level but get lost at that scale because how can we as individuals do anything about these global problems? That is where most people, myself included, will sometimes feel helpless to the problems and insignificant in their solution. But we can do this and it will take every one of us to find a solution.
Wyoming has its own environmental issues that are right in "our backyard". Support your local programs for recycling and reuse, support river cleanups, help invasive species reduction, support responsible energy development and hold those accountable for lack of safety and pollution of our lands, support the protection of Wyoming's unique landscapes for hunting, fishing, and pristine landscapes. We're not getting away from fossil fuels tomorrow, this is certain, but we can influence the development of new solutions to our energy needs by using our voice and our dollar to help push corporations in the right direction, helping them see the benefit to turning even more attention to reaching viable alternative energy sources. Let's get high tech on this!  This is how we can help protect the environment close to home and benefit our economy and employment opportunities. Don't forget that tourism and recreation are the #2 largest drivers for Wyoming's economy surpassed only by the energy industry. Protect those landscapes and protect your access to them. So join in, make a map about it, enjoy the planet and our beautiful state, cities and landscapes, and let James Brown tell you to get involved! Show how you support the Earth, Earth Day, and all things Wyoming.
Brett Governanti