Wednesday, July 17, 2013

WyGeo Members,
Did you participate in our survey regarding training needs?  Have you given thought to what kind of training would benefit you most?  Be thinking on the answer to the question because we will be asking you to answer that question at the WyGeo meeting being held in conjunction with GeCo West. (September 16-19 in Laramie)
The meeting will be 11:00 to 1:00 on Monday, September 16th.  Sandwiched in between 6 great workshops in the morning and 2 amazing tech tours in the afternoon.  This will be a tight meeting schedule, especailly considering we will be having board of director elections for the positions of president, secretary, NE regional director, and SW regional director.  Please give serious consideration to stepping up to support your professional organization.
You do not need to be registered for the conference in order to attend the WyGeo meeting but why wouldn't you when there are so many amazing training opportunities available at such a reasonable cost?
You would be hard pressed to find better speakers or more informative topics in the plenary sessions, in the presentations, in the tech expo... even comparing to the Esri UC!  And this time it's right in your backyard.
If you haven't registered yet, go do it now!