Monday, December 5, 2011

Ever wonder how you can get in to Wyo State Lands that are open to you? Read the Wyofile report and use the Office of State Lands and Investment's new map tool to find out how.

Great new tool for access to state lands

The Office of State Lands and Investments just launched a great new online mapping application to navigate access to state lands, which are open to the public. Here’s the url for the site;


The state administers about 3.5 million acres of surface estate held in-trust and managed almost exclusively for the benefit of Wyoming schools. State lands are typically located on Sections 16 and 36 of each township, and are represented as blue squares on maps as part of a complex checkerboard of surface ownership. In addition to energy development, logging and agriculture, state lands provide myriad hunting and recreational opportunities. But access is tricky, because you MAY NOT cross private lands to access state lands without specific approval.

According to a news release today, the new interactive mapping tool on the Office of State Lands and Investments web site is intended to help determine where state lands are located, and where potential access points exist.

“Access to state lands is very important to the people of the state. These maps will hopefully provide a useful tool to guide the thoughtful and appropriate use of State trust lands,” Gov. Matt Mead said in a prepared statement. “Too often the Board of Land Commissioners is in the position of mediating disputes between sportsmen, landowners and other state lessees after the fact. These maps help provide information on the front end and hopefully this will limit these sorts of conflicts going forward.”

The Office of State Lands and Investments listed a phone number for more information; (307) 777-8510.

Here's the link to this story on Wyofile:

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